Summer Stats

Bare arms -- yes, our summer has finally arrived, after we'd all pretty much given up on it. Over the weekend it was in the 90's in San Francisco, a rarity indeed. It has since cooled down a bit, but there's still no way I'm complaining. In general San Francisco's best weather is in the fall, but usually it would've arrived before now and the months leading up to it wouldn't have been quite so frigid, except maybe over at the beach and up by the wharf, where all the tourists go in their shorts and sandals to freeze. 
It's been a bad year for getting much use out of my sandals, which I'm beginning to realize were fairly foolish purchases. A quick scan of my "summer" outfits shows that I wore sandals only twice (one of those was with tights!), bare legs just 3 times, bare toes 3 times, and bare arms 11 times. On the other hand I sported tights or long socks 29 times, boots 28 times, a sweater or jacket 23 times, and even a pair of leather pants once. My summer stats make it seem like I live in Siberia.

Cardigan: Hale Bob
Shirt: thrifted
Belt: a gift from Mom
Boots: Bata