Back in the Default World

Oops... I accidentally took 2 days off instead of one. That's what happens when your internal calendar gets all messed up by being in the desert for a week. If you hadn't already guessed, I snuck away to Burning Man last week; Mark and I left early last Tuesday and returned on Labor Day. The drive home on Monday was an absolute killer, and we spent most of the day yesterday unpacking and washing the playa dust off of every square inch of everything we took with us. The trip was GREAT however, and I'll bring you the full report in several installments next week. Tomorrow and Friday I've got the last 2 of my pre-burn outfits to show you, and for today I'm going to keep it brief and just share this one photo of Mark and I out exploring the playa.

I wish I could say I was happy to be back in the default world, but it's taking some getting used to. The playa is a truly amazing and special place, and more than once I've found myself wondering why life can't be like that all the time. In the coming months I'll be looking for ways to bring more Burning Man principles into my daily life, and you can bet I'll be sharing them in this space. Stay tuned!