Tightly Wrapped

Some astute reader spotted this top online and directed me to it, and now I can't seem to find the message to figure out who it was. At any rate, thank you -- it is, in fact, precisely my style.

The one little issue with this top is that where the two sides come together along the bottom hem, they do not stay closed, which means that with a low-waisted bottom there will be a patch of exposed skin. Not classy! So I paired it with a high-waisted skirt and made extra sure I wouldn't be flashing my ashen abdomen by securing everything with a tightly wrapped obi belt.

I didn't want to detract from the olive green and navy blue combination by adding too much black, so I chose patterned tights instead of solids. I thought this minimized the impact of the black and kept the outfit from looking too dark.

Note that the obi and the skirt don't match exactly; the obi is a brighter blue than the skirt, giving the outfit some depth and keeping it from being too predictable. That brighter blue is picked up again in the shoes -- which, by the way, have recently been made light-years more comfortable with a little stretching (see my posts on shoe stretching here and here).

Top: Forever 21
Obi: Sunhee Moon
Shoes: Paolo