This outfit was inspired by
Sal, who wore a
similar blend of muted colors a couple weeks ago. This was one of those days when it was
colder and windier in my work city than it was in my home city, or else I would've also copied Sal's cute short socks with my similar pair of brown sandals.

Speaking of socks and sandals, I've realized lately that this combination is ideal for me, because my feet suffer a lot when I go barefoot in shoes. Which sucks really, because on a hot day I just love the feel of the open air on my feet, almost as much as I love the feel of a warm breeze across bare shoulders. But the fact is that with the exception of a few rare pairs (usually flip-flops), my feet generally react to being sockless with rubbing, burning, swelling, and finally blisters. In fact as I type this I'm sitting here after having gone sockless in flats today, my feet covered with Band-Aids from the blisters generated by a short lunchtime walk. So I'm officially in the market for a few pairs of thinner ankle socks for days like today, when it's far too warm for tights.
Cardigan, dress: All Saints
Audra JeanSkirt: a gift from Mom
Tights: MP, via Sock Dreams
Sandals: John Fluevog
Gratuitous cute dog photo: Georgie achieving new heights of laziness.