This cardigan is such a great tool for shaping; my figure tends to get lost in the busy zigzag pattern of the shirt, but the bold stripes of the cardigan, along with the way they angle down over the hips, brings it right back into focus.

This is a simple formula for pattern mixing, by the way: a complicated, smaller scale pattern mixed with a larger, simpler one. In this outfit the shirt pattern is much busier, with smaller lines and more colors, whereas the lines in the cardigan are thicker and the pattern is only in black and white. Note that the shirt is also mostly filled in with color, whereas the cardigan has a lot of open white space.
I initially tried this outfit with solid legwear, but found that it made for an uneasy contrast between the busy, patterned top and the plain, solid bottom half. Using the textured tights actually made the whole outfit flow a lot better, though if the tights had had a busier or larger scale pattern they wouldn't have worked at all.

Shirt: thrifted in Minneapolis
Cardigan: a gift from Mom
Red Dress ShoppeSkirt: a hand-me-up from my sister
Sock DreamsShoes: Tsubo