Red Lipstick Perfection Is NOT Impossible! DREAM BIG, People!

It's Valentine's Day (duh), and your feelings about that probably range from YAY, CHEAP CHOCOLATE to mild indifference to inconsolable sobs. I'm not even that bitter of a person, and I can admit that Valentine's Day is kind of garbage. With the exception of vintage Valentines. Those are adorable.

But Valentine's Day is a good time to pause and remember that EVERY SINGLE DAY is an EXCELLENT excuse to wear red lipstick.

Check out my piece on how to wear red lipstick at StyleUnited (I'm guest editor of their Facebook page this week, so go there, do that), and please, whatever you do, get yourself Topshop's Rio Rio red lipstick. (I reviewed Topshop's makeup for, BTW.) It's the best red lipstick ever, and it's a REMARKABLE feat of beauty. 
$16, Topshop
+ Related: My Valentine's Day love letter to myself, ladies, plus, really cute Valentines featuring hearts with mustaches.