I was very excited to get my hands on this Stacy Lomman t-shirt, because I knew just how I would wear it first --as part of a simple jeans-and-tee outfit dressed up with a blazer. Since the colors went so well with my McQueen skull scarf, I figured I'd really go all out and add some bright red nails and lips. I love how the blazer is cut deeply enough to show part of the logo, particularly the "biohazard" part, which is especially fitting given the line of work I'm in. It took a little doing to tie the scarf up high enough to show the t-shirt logo, but through trial and error I made it work.
T-Shirt: Stacy Lomman
Blazer: Helmut Lang
Scarf: Alexander McQueen
Ring: Metal Pointu
Jeans: Joe's
Shoes: Simple