Whew. You would not believe the swirl of activity, the disasters narrowly averted, and the incredible marathon of manual labor that the last week has been. Last Friday we closed the sale on our house and promptly left town for a wedding at the mysterious and sublimely beautiful Bohemian Grove (the wedding was fabulous, by the way, and I made the hats for the entire wedding party -- in all the spare time I've had lately). We came home early Sunday morning and set to work painting, cleaning, and assembling furniture in the new place, not quitting until late into the evening. For the next 3 days, Mark would spend all day working on the place, and as soon as I got home from work I'd change into my grubby clothes and we'd continue working until close to midnight.
All this effort was because we had already booked our first renter for Thursday, so we had a definite deadline for completing all the work. It was an immense effort but we pulled it off, and despite a couple of near misses with our furniture deliveries, everything worked out in the end and the place looks great.
Oh, and it's Fleet Week here in San Francisco, which is one of my favorite times of the year. On Thursday my new coworkers and I watched the arrival of the Blue Angels from our office building which sits perched above downtown on the 16th floor, a perfect vantage point that looks out over Telegraph Hill and the bay. This weekend Mark and I will be able to watch them from the window of our living room, or while enjoying the pretty fall weather out on the front deck.
Jacket: La Redoute
Top: Ann Taylor
Pants: Cynthia Steffe
Necklace: Rhapsodia
Earrings: Leslie Danzis
Shoes: Bettye Muller
Bag: Foley + Corinna