This outfit is from before the trip and therefore is pretty old, but oh geez do I remember this day. I got off the shuttle from work only to find that the next bus wasn't due to arrive for almost 30 minutes, which was more than enough time for me to just walk the rest of the way home, rather than sitting there in the cold. But the shoes! -- while they're great for an average day at work, they don't feel so fab after 2 miles of walking up and down San Francisco's hilly streets. It took a lot of foot soaking and cocktails to ease the pain once I got home.

Doesn't my nail polish look great though? This is Black Cherry Chutney by O.P.I.; I don't bother with nail polish very often, but when I do I love to go BOLD.
Dress: Noa Noa
Cardigan: Solemio
Bangles: Amrita Singh
Necklace: from Ambiance in the Haight
Shoes: MIA