I saw
Sal wear this beautiful color combination awhile back and immediately vowed to duplicate it. And as luck would have it I found this pretty fuchsia top shortly thereafter. But the weather was cold, and it was hard to imagine putting on this mere wisp of a top and leaving the house with arms exposed (especially since it was cold enough for me to bring out the bullet-proof sweater I posted yesterday!). Finally impatience prevailed, so I layered a t-shirt underneath and hoped for the best. I froze, but it was worth it to inject such a vibrant burst of color into a drab winter day.

Have you ever noticed the random assortment of stuff that ends up deposited on the shelf behind me? I'll give you one guess who is responsible for their appearance there (hint: it isn't Georgie.). Usually it's in-progress
leather items, but this time it's a set of solar-powered Christmas lights, a man's hat, and a tube of caulk. You just never know what might turn up back there.
Top: Forever 21
Skirt: Sunhee Moon
Boots: All Black