Last night, as you might imagine, the streets were abuzz with activity; horns honking, carloads of people driving by shouting and waving orange towels out the windows, spontaneous street parties that blocked off whole sections of the streets, people out on their front porches high-fiving passersby. Mark and I went walking around in the neighborhood, and it was an evening I'm not likely to forget. Tomorrow there'll be a parade to welcome our heroes back home, and I'm determined to attend.
Way to go, Giants! San Francisco loves you! And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to vote on the seemingly endless list of propositions that clog California's ballot every election...
Way to go, Giants! San Francisco loves you! And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to vote on the seemingly endless list of propositions that clog California's ballot every election...
Vest, skirt: F21 (wow, I didn't even realize this whole outfit was F21 until just this minute)
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Faryl Robin
Necklace: from a shop in Prague
Revelers last night in the Lower Haight.