I decided to do my outfit photo from out on our balcony for this one, since Mark had leather pieces spread out all over the floor in my usual spot. Note the pot of nasturtiums on the right; I'm growing those specifically to feed to our little
flower-eating dinosaur.
I wore this outfit for a Girl's Night Out the week before last; Laura and I went to see The Cult over at the Warfield Theater. It was quite a flashback to my old high school rock n' roll days; I even caught a drumstick! This outfit was pretty toned down from what I would've worn back in the 80's, mainly because I value comfort a lot more now than I did in my teens.
What I found funny was that the keyboard player in the opening act (Aussie band The Black Ryder) had the exact hairstyle I had at age 16: long, shaggy, and shaved off on one side, like half a mohawk only bigger and with a lot more hairspray (although hers could've been slicked back rather than shaved; it was hard to tell). It was a kick to see that style again; it was actually quite an imaginative haircut for the time, though I consider it one of the worst I've ever sported. It was after that phase that I moved on from rock 'n roll to punk, and wisely chopped off the rest of that long hair, which was never very flattering on me.
Shirt: All Saints
Cardigan: Express, a gift from my aunt
Audra JeanJeans: Acne
Boots: Bronx